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Together We Can:

"A Safe Place for Kids"


Your support provides a safe place for kids while their families find permanent stability and the support they need. Since 1983, you’ve helped Clare House provide shelter and case management to thousands of women and children, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Last year, more than 100 kids stayed at Clare House thanks to your generosity. Children at Clare House are safe. They can play, learn, and grow while their families find stability. Instead of sleeping in a car or on a friend’s couch, children find a home, safety, and their own personal fortress against uncertainty.

Clare House’s services are designed to lead a family out of homelessness and on a path to permanent stability. Your contributions break the cycle of generational poverty by offering case management, life skills, and peer support for children and their families to grow. You ensure that Clare House is a safe place, a metaphorical castle of peace, where every child can dream peacefully and play joyfully knowing they are safe and loved as their family gets the care they need.

Your investment in our 2022 Together We Can Campaign will make a tangible difference in the lives of hundreds of moms and kids in our community. Together, we can provide “a safe place for kids.”

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Together We Can $0.00

Together We Can

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